
How to find the best betting strategy on basketball?


Basketball sports betting is a hobby and activity that’s rapidly growing in popularity. Whether it’s the NBA, the Euroleague, Eurocup, FIBA Champions league, or domestic championships in countries around the world, basketball itself, is on the rise, so it’s no surprise that there are more and more bets being placed. We decided to give a guide on betting –Lazybu guru will be providing some insights and tips for us. As the title suggests – we’ll focus on basketball.

Successful basketball betting is beyond likes and dislikes

Too often we see active sports fans and really knowledgeable people that really understand the game of basketball, lose money just because they can’t bet on a team they dislike or bet against the team they love. If you want to win and make money in betting, you can’t look at a team with affection or too much hatred because it will impair your judgment.

You have to be able to distinguish relevant factors from irrelevant ones. Your love for the team will likely not affect the outcome of the game. However, 10,000 roaring fans in the home arena might do just that.

Basketball is different around the world

If you bet on the NBA and, for example, the Euroleague and the domestic championships, you should not apply the same strategies for each league.

For example, in the NBA, home teams win approx. 60-64% of the games. In the Euroleague, the number is higher and closer to 68-72%. But, for example, in the Lithuanian Basketball League, the home team wins around 80% of the games. In Europe, the impact of the home crowd is usually greater whilst in the NBA it can be considered very tiny (only 10-14% advantage to the home team).

Furthermore, you have to account for the likeness of an upset, the impact of injuries, and things like travel times, playing double weeks or back-to-back games, etc. Don’t bet the same way on every league.

Veteran vs young teams

One of the major issues when finding a winning strategy is comparing young and up-and-coming teams with those who have many veterans on their roster. When such teams meet up, the outcome of the game is always in question because both teams are like opposite poles, possessing completely different strengths and weaknesses.

Young teams have a tendency to be a bit less stable and more unpredictable. However, their likeness of pulling off an upset is much higher.

Veteran teams are more composed in clutch or tightly contested situations. You would always want to prefer a veteran-led team in a game 7-like situation.

To sum up

To sum up, when creating a winning strategy for betting on basketball, you should think past your likes and dislikes. Try to objectively evaluate each team to place the best bet. Also, understand the differences between various leagues and the competition nuances. Finally, make sure to be wary of other relevant factors such as the age of the teams competing as it can be super important to the end result.

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